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lines in major and small secrets, as well as the dominant bebop scale, you'll get a glance into the playing design of among jazz's greatest guitarists. Inspect these lines out, work the concepts behind them further in your playing, and when prepared, find out the sample solo at the end of the section.

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Usually you consider including altered notes (b9, # 9,)to small essential V7 chords, however you can use them in major secrets too. Here are 2 examples of Grant using V7alt chords to create tension and resolution in his significant crucial ii V I soloing lines. The very first line utilizes the b9 and # 9 over the V7 chord in a ii V I progression in Eb
significant. As the root is a really strong chord tone(the strongest in truth ), this line has a strong resolution. This permits the transformed notes to create stress and resolution, instead of simply tension, which can cause your lines to sound out of place without that resolution. In this second major ii V I line, again the b9 and # 9 are utilized over the V7 chord to create stress. Along with Key Reference altered notes, there's
a raised 7th interval over the Fm7 chord, producing a melodic minor sound over this chord. Grant Green Soloing Dominant Bebop Lines, Another way that Grant liked to spice up his dominant 7th lines is to use the dominant bebop scale over that chord. The dominant bebop scale is a Mixolydian scale with an included 7th note.

Airegin - Grant Green Solo Transcription - Sonny Rollins Best of Grant Green: A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Guitar Styles and Techniques of the Jazz Groove Master (Guitar Signature Licks): 9780634055072: Marshall, Wolf, Green, Grant: Books
What Does Grant Green - I'll Remember April - Music Notes Room Mean?
Grant Green Soloing Minor V7alt Lines, In addition to utilizing altered notes over significant V7 chords, Grant likewise brought these tension notes into his minor key solos. In this section, you will take a look at 2 methods to bring altered notes into your V7 lines: Dim7 arpeggios, Adding b9 and # 9 over the underlying chord, One of Grant's favorite ways to color V7 chords in a minor key is with a 3 to b9 arpeggio, which
you can see in the line below. Bdim7BDFAb, Played over G735b7b9When soloing over dominant chords, you can constantly play a dim7 arpeggio from the 3rd of that dominant chord to develop a b9 arpeggio. Notification that here Grant solves that b9 into the root and down to the b3 of Cm7( Eb). The next small V7alt lick utilizes the b9, # 9, and # 4 to produce tension over that bar in the phrase, before solving